Fels Planetarium; Franklin Institute
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
May 25th through May 28th

Return your Registration Form with payment by April 8, 2005, to:

Anthony J. Villano, MAPS Treasurer
Fair Lawn HS Planetarium
14-00 Berdan Avenue
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

All other forms should be returned by April 8, 2005,to:

MAPS 2005
Derrick H. Pitts
Franklin Institute Science Museum
222 N. 20th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
or FAX them to 215-448-1188

On behalf of the Franklin Institute we would like to welcome you to Philadelphia for this years M.A.P.S. conference. A group of local Delaware Valley Planetarians (plus a few from far flung cities) are coming together to host your visit for M.A.P.S. 2005. Our conference theme is:

Four themed sessions have been developed to lead our conference on the theme of in-service training. Many new planetarium directors in our area would like professional development dealing with competencies needed to keep educational facilities viable. These skills carry over to educators/lecturers using a museum planetarium to deliver a presentation. From developing the proper speaking skills that are related to media driven talks through properly designed instructional units that seek to engage your audience. Reviewing how to implement standards, benchmarks, anchors, competencies, or outcomes by twisting current presentations to meet teachers needs, There is the continual struggle to keep informed of what technology can best be utilized to meet those needs. So What Works?

Theme Sessions


The Planetarium Presenter as a Communications Wizard
From Pubic
Speaking to Multi-Modal Discourse

Tim McGee; Philadelphia

Twisting Presentations to meet State Standards


Panel Discussion led by Kathy M. Michaels

Presenters are well advised to go back to the ancient art
of the Rhetoric to re-discover principles of effective, audience-specific
communication not dominated by the medium of printed words, but fully
capable of exploiting all the media and modes available for live
presentations in technologically rich environments.
Competencies / Standards / Benchmarks / Anchors / Outcomes
/ Behavioral Objectives…How do we meet them? How many areas can we
assist outside astronomy?  History, Math, Science, English, Technical
Education, Music, Art…can we assist with their goals?  In this
panel discussion we will share how many different areas of study can
benefit from a planetarium offering a diverse option of programming or

Tips for Instruction and Presentation

Ted Williams; Mallon
Planetarium- Methacton School District

Ruth List; Philadelphia Universitiy / Ridley Planetarium

Comparing Technologies for Better

Darryl Davis, Hayden Planetarium / Boston

Planetarium directors play a dual role of presenter and in
many facilities the design and produce their instruction and
presentations.  In that role, we would benefit from the skills of an
instructional designer.  This session will share tips that are
already proven to work in the instructional design field.  We will
show examples of presentations developed with current software including
Flash and Director.
What works best in terms of new and old technology. What’s
the difference between the various video projection systems? What works best in
audio? Is PowerPoint the answer to your presentation needs? What are the advantages
of LED vs. incandescent lighting? What can I do with mechanical projectors that I
can’t do with video? Find out some answers here.

Special Conference Rate!

Embassy Suites Hotel
1776 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

We checked it out (Small)Little cheaper (Small)

IMG_0251 (Small)

Embassy Lobby (Small)

Our Host Facility:
The Fels Planetarium at the Franklin Institute

Hello 1 (Small)

IMG_0244 (Small) fi2 (Small)

Budget Restrictions?
Easy Alternatives

Extremely reasonable accommodations; short or long stay

Extremely reasonable accommodations;
short or long stay

Nearby pack-your-own outdoor cafe style eating

Nearby pack-your-own outdoor cafe style eating

Local goodies and treats right outside our door

Local goodies and treats right outside our door

Pre-Conference Activity
Edelman Planetarium


Edelman Planetarium, Rowen University
Glassboro, New Jersey

Planning Committee:

Derrick Pitts
Steve Berr
Henry Bouchelle
Keith Johnson
Don Knapp
Ruth List
Laura Misajet
Mike Mountjoy
Stephanie Parello
Cyndie Slagle
Gloria Villalobos
Ted Williams